Sade Sati/Moon Affliction by Saturn

Agyat Astrology
6 min readFeb 22, 2022


Transiting Saturn over natal moon is considered difficult/dreaded in general; popularly called as Sade Sati. My take on this is somewhat different. Challenges will be posed to moon but from which area challenges would come differs from individual to individual.

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How a native handles challenges would define how native’s Sade-sati would shape, positive or negative. Now I am sure that you would have heard that Saturn does not harm to some sign but harm others more. This is all bu**-s**t, do not believe this. Saturn while transiting over moon poses challenges to native (it does not matter if moon sign lord have friendly or inimical relations to Saturn), how native responds to those challenges and how would native respond to hard-work and mental turmoil that Saturn is demanding.

Here we would discuss few things that Saturn would definitely pose to Native undergoing Sade-sati

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Change of Place: Saturn transiting over natal moon, would definitely give opportunity to change of place, it can be forced upon or voluntarily opted by Native. This would most probably happen when native’s moon, is placed in 3rd house, 4th house, 9th house, 10th and 12th house or if these houses are activated while moon is under affliction of transiting Saturn. Some people may even go to foreign places; happy; but then falls into isolation and other troubles.

Change of/in Work: Saturn transiting over natal moon, native; if employed, would instigate Native to change of job/profession. It can be that Native would seems to be getting better opportunity and would like to change. Alternatively; if Native is averse to change; native can be forced to change job. This would most probably happen when native’s moon, is placed in 4th house, 6th house, 10th house, 8th House, and 12th house or if these houses are activated while moon is under affliction of transiting Saturn.

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Depression & frustration: Saturn transiting over natal moon, affects how Native thinks, make native take wrong decisions (probably while it is still approaching towards moon). Once native takes decision that turns out to be bad; native needs to fight and in process; native is taken into depression; frustration. This is universal truth for Moon undergoing affliction from transiting Saturn. This would arise irrespective of which house is occupied by moon. What triggers this depends on individual chart(s).

Property Transactions: Saturn transiting over natal moon, would provide opportunity (loss/gain) through property transaction and frustration generated out of it. For example native tries to sell property to book profit; and property will not go for sale easily. Or property is sold but disputes arises out of it. This would most probably happen when native’s moon, is placed in 4th house, 2nd house, 8th House, and 12th house or if these houses are activated while moon is under affliction of transiting Saturn.

Photo by Shridhar Gupta on Unsplash

Debt/enmity/Loss of Job: Saturn transiting over natal moon, would force/opt for loans from organized or unorganized sector mostly in first phase and situation would be made that native would not be able to repay debt. Because of this situation native may be dragged into disputes/legal cases against native. Native may also loose job; but I have seen only one of them happen. If native is dragged into court cases or debt; then native may have continuous job. This would most probably happen when native’s moon, is placed in 6th house, and 12th house or if these houses are activated while moon is under affliction of transiting Saturn.

Defamation/Business Loss/Marital issues: Saturn transiting over natal moon, may force native make some business decision that may turn out as bad. Native may also have disagreement with Spouse, peace at home is destroyed. This would most probably happen when native’s moon, is placed in 7th house, 8th house 11th house and 12th house or if these houses are activated while moon is under affliction of transiting Saturn.

Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash

Health issues: Saturn transiting over natal moon, would make old diseases appear (if any). Native can get into accidents and diseases that are hard to get diagnosed at first and later get deteriorated. This can make native get into frequent hospitalization or suffer from mild but disease that does not get cured for long. There are possibilities of Native have bad food habits and because of that health can be impacted. This would most probably happen when native’s moon, is placed in 6th house, 8th house 2nd house and 12th house or if these houses are activated while moon is under affliction of transiting Saturn.

Isolation: Saturn transiting over natal moon, affects how Native thinks, make native hurt by relatives/family members and starts to feel left out. This would make native go into isolation and would add to frustration and depression. This would most probably happen when native’s moon, is placed in 7th house, 4th house, and 12th house or if these houses are activated while moon is under affliction of transiting Saturn.

Photo by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash

Education: Saturn transiting over natal moon, would make native lethargic and would turn his mind away from Education. This can happen in many ways; native may over indulge in social media, with friends. This would most probably happen when native’s moon, is placed in 5th house, 9th house, and 3rd house or if these houses are activated while moon is under affliction of transiting Saturn.

Photo by Christopher Alvarenga on Unsplash

Love/Relationships: Saturn transiting over natal moon, would make native get into argument easily and less caring for people around. Sometimes it is reverse; native would feel people around does not care about native. This would most probably happen when native’s moon, is placed in 5th house, 8th house, and 7th house or if these houses are activated while moon is under affliction of transiting Saturn.

Now one may argue, that I mentioned both positive or negative but listed only negative aspects of it. No. I mentioned it depends on individual how he takes upon the challenges posed by Saturn transit over moon.

With hard work, patience and determination to complete/confront challenges native can come out victorious. If native fails to complete, runs out of patience or give up, then he has lost but still learned some lessons

There is shloka in Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta, where Shri Krishna says to Arjuna:

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचना |
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूमा ते सङ्गोस्त्वकर्मणि ||

Meaning: Performing Karma (duty) is one’s only right, not Karamaphala (fruit of your action/duty). That is why one should not do Karma (duty) in hoping to get something in return neither should one be devoid of Karma (duty)

So native should take decision and do its duty and abide by its decision. Fruit of your actions (good/bad) can be delayed but not denied.

Om Tat Sat



Agyat Astrology
Agyat Astrology

Written by Agyat Astrology

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